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 A few days ago, I had to stay back from ministry with someone from my team. Everyone else went to ministry, they had a big speaker, candy and ready to share the Gospel. They ended up having an eventful day, bringing an older lady to believe in Jesus Christ, a witch doctor (warlock as they say) had his foot healed by God and yet still chose not to believe, and they talked to someone who was suicidal. 

Even though I had to stay back, I also had a good time in prayer and reading. I was super excited to hear the news. But on the other hand, they were not as excited and heartbroken about those who did not believe.

The next day, a couple from the church came over and cooked tons of rice and chicken. We walked into town by the market, started worshiping and preaching. We prayed for people to come and before we knew it, homeless people were coming from everywhere to get some food. We gave some blankets, and prayed over others. We also met a man on a bike and invited him to church… he came that week. 

The next day, we headed out with some food bags. We were going to the older ladies house who had just accepted Jesus. We got there and she was not home. As we were walking back down the alley, I saw a man in a wheelchair and I wanted to go pray for him. It turns out my team had already prayed for him the day I did not go. Nonetheless, we still prayed over him and gave him food. He then pointed to a 22 year old man sitting in the alley. We went up to him and prayed for him. He told us how he did not want to do drugs anymore, but how he was addicted. Broken in tears we prayed for him and he accepted Christ. Then, we got to go into town and pray for some more businesses and give more food to those in need.

The next day, we loaded up another food bag and walked back to the older ladies house, unfortunately; well actually a blessing, she was not home again! So, we went into town to find our friends. They are a little older than me, and they have just recently started following the Lord. They have been set free from their past by following Christ. They now serve and lead life group at their house. We went into where she works, but she was not there, so we walked up the hill and went to their house. 

When we arrived, they had actually just gotten home. They had just went to a waterfall with two of their friends; we sat down and had coffee with them. I got to share about my experiences with Buddhism in Thailand, Islam in Malaysia, and Hinduism in India. I got to share how Jesus differs from those religions, and how He is the only way! One of them decided to accept Jesus, and came to church the next day, praise God! 

At Church the next day, the family we worked with doing manual labor the first week got dedicated. The whole family, even the actual father has been coming to church. From shoveling dirt and having to preach with no preparation, trusting completely in God, the Lord has blessed us with seeing so much fruit. Seeing a family of six come to Christ and countless others. And then those we’ve ministered to, but won’t get to see the fruit. Praise God. 

We still have to go see the older lady and give her some food. 

Pray for us here! 

5 responses to “Freedom in Christ in Turrialba”

  1. Dude! keep laboring brother, knowing that it’s all for an eternal impact, and the Lord is being glorified in every act of obedience. proud of you Sam!

  2. Good job, Sam! So proud of you and happy for you:). Keep up the good work. Thanks so much for sharing what God is doing in your ministry:)

  3. Sam I am so proud of you and your team! I am so happy to see the great work for Christ that y’all are doing there! Love you, Mom

  4. Even when you don’t see the fruit of your labor, know that none of it is in vain! Keep working hard for Jesus as he has called you to.

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